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Motorcycle Shipping to Hawaii: My Experience Moving from Scottsdale to Honolulu

Split screen of Arizona desert and Hawaiian Island bridged by a motorcycle.

At Motorcycle Shippers, we transport motorcycles to Hawaii on a weekly, if not daily, basis, ensuring that every bike arrives safely and securely to its new island home. We love to get the full story behind each move—who our customers are, why they’re relocating, and what their motorcycle means to them. That’s why we’re especially excited to share Mark’s story. He was gracious enough to walk us through his entire experience, from moving to Honolulu for his dream job, to deciding to bring his late father’s 1972 Harley-Davidson Sportster along for the ride. This is just one of the many success stories we’re proud to be part of, and it’s a perfect example of the care and attention we provide for every shipment. Here’s Mark’s journey, and his review of how Motorcycle Shippers made it all possible. As Mark settles into his new life, we wish him all the best, and may the trade winds guide his handlebars toward wide, open roads and endless adventures.

Customer Review

In July, I made the biggest move of my life—from Scottsdale, Arizona, to Honolulu, Hawaii. I had just landed my dream job with an environmental agency, working to help protect Hawaii from invasive species. While I was thrilled about the new role, the logistics of moving from the mainland to an island were more complicated than I had expected.

“For me, this wasn’t just about transporting a motorcycle—it was about bringing a family heirloom across the ocean, and I couldn’t have done it without them.” – Mark

I decided to sell most of my possessions—furniture, my truck, and everything else I could replace—but there was one thing I couldn’t part with: my 1972 Harley-Davidson Sportster. This bike is incredibly special to me because it belonged to my dad, who passed away a few years ago. It’s not just a motorcycle; it’s my connection to him and holds major sentimental value. There was no way I was leaving it behind.

Moving Checklist: Scottsdale to Honolulu

1. Research moving options – Get quotes for shipping stuff and bike. Figure out what to sell vs. ship.

2. Sell what I don’t need – Furniture, truck, random stuff I can replace in Honolulu.

3. Get multiple quotes – Compare moving companies.

4. Plan for leaving the old apartment – Schedule a final walkthrough with the landlord, hire cleaners, and make sure everything’s in good shape to get the deposit back.

5. Book my flight & place to stay – Get my flight sorted and hotel for the first week. Check if Hawaii has Uber for when I arrive!

6. Pack the essentials – Set aside important stuff like clothes, toiletries, laptop, and documents that I will take on the flight.

7. Organize documents – Make sure I’ve got my ID, passport, medical records, insurance info, and anything else important.

8. Set up utilities for Honolulu – Schedule utility shut-offs in Scottsdale and get utilities (water, electricity, internet) set up in Honolulu.

9. Figure out vehicle drop-off – Plan when and where to drop off the bike.

10. Track shipments – Track when my stuff is getting to Honolulu.

11. Change address – Update my address with USPS, banks, credit cards, and subscriptions before I leave.

12. Prep for new job – Review company handbook, confirm first-day, and look into environmental projects.

13. Pick up stuff in Honolulu – Pick up the bike at the port, and boxes at the hotel.

14. Settle in – Unpack, get everything sorted, and start exploring the new island life!

Can I Ship My Motorcycle To Hawaii

One of the first questions that crossed my mind was: Can I actually ship my motorcycle to Hawaii? I had no idea how much it would cost or if I could even pull it off. After some research, I found out that shipping motorcycles to Hawaii is pretty common and fairly affordable. Several companies specialize in motorcycle shipping to the islands, and with Hawaii being a popular destination for riders, it made sense that this service was available.

Still, shipping my bike across the Pacific was intimidating. I started researching motorcycle shipping to Hawaii and got a few quotes from different companies, but none of them felt trustworthy. They either didn’t seem experienced, added hidden fees, or sounded sketchy on the phone, so I didn’t trust them.

Cargo ship delivering motorcycle in Port of Honolulu.Then I found Motorcycle Shippers. They had a clear process laid out on their website, and the reviews were solid. I decided to give them a call, and that’s when I spoke with Danny, one of their representatives. Danny was awesome from the start. He explained everything clearly, from the door-to-port service to how they would crate my bike and ship it in an enclosed container to protect it from the elements. The quote he gave me was all-inclusive—no hidden fees—and I felt like I knew exactly what to expect when we hung up.

Are Helmets Required for Motorcycles in Hawaii?

As I started preparing for the move, I began to wonder about Hawaii’s motorcycle laws. Are helmets required for motorcycles in Hawaii? In Arizona, helmets aren’t required for riders over the age of 18, but I knew it wasn’t like that everywhere.

It turns out that Hawaii has a similar helmet law to Arizona. In Hawaii, helmets are only required for riders under the age of 18. Even though it wasn’t mandatory for me as an adult rider, I decided to bring my helmet anyway—especially since I expected to be riding in some tropical rainstorms, and I was told O’ahu has some major traffic sometimes.

Is It Illegal to Split Lanes on a Motorcycle in Hawaii?

Another thing I was curious about was lane splitting. In Arizona, lane splitting isn’t allowed, but I’ve ridden in California plenty, and it’s legal there. So, I wondered: Is it illegal to split lanes on a motorcycle in Hawaii?

After digging into Hawaii’s motorcycle laws, I found out that lane splitting is illegal in Hawaii. I was a little disappointed to learn that, but it’s probably because Hawaii’s roads can be narrow and congested. No big deal—I still couldn’t wait to get there and start riding.

Does Hawaii Require Motorcycle Insurance?

My finances were a little strained from the deposit I had to put down on my new apartment, so I was looking for ways to cut some corners. I know it sounds dumb, but I was hoping I could go without motorcycle insurance for the first couple of months. After doing some Googling, I learned that the rules were the same as in Arizona: I had to get liability insurance before riding my Harley on the island. It was just another thing I needed to handle before I picked my bike up.

Does Hawaii Require a Motorcycle License?

Finally, while I was packing my bags, I thought, Does Hawaii require a Hawaiian motorcycle license? I already had my motorcycle endorsement in Arizona, but I wasn’t sure if I would need to go through the process again in Hawaii.

Thankfully, I learned that Hawaii honors out-of-state motorcycle endorsements until I became a permanent resident. Then, I would need to transfer my license to Hawaii. It wasn’t a big deal, but I was glad I wouldn’t have to go through the entire licensing process right when I got there.

The Move to Hawaii: Not Without Hiccups

While the process of shipping the motorcycle was seamless, the rest of the move was a bit of a roller coaster. Moving to an island has its challenges, and it didn’t help that the airline temporarily lost my luggage. For two days, I had nothing but the clothes on my back. I was staying in a hotel and trying to get settled into my new job, all while hoping my things would eventually catch up with me. Luckily, I had packed some essentials in my carry-on, but it still threw a wrench into the start of my move.

During all of this, I was tracking my Harley’s progress across the Pacific, crossing my fingers that nothing would go wrong. Luckily, it was one of the few things that went smoothly during the whole move. Motorcycle Shippers kept me updated throughout the process, and Danny even checked in to make sure everything was on schedule.

Picking Up the Bike in Honolulu

Motorcycle rider on a Harley in O'ahu.After what felt like a chaotic few weeks, I got the call that my Harley had arrived at the port in Honolulu. Right after work, I headed down to pick it up. I’ll never forget the feeling of seeing my dad’s bike sitting there in perfect condition, just as I had left it in Scottsdale. The guys at Motorcycle Shippers had done me right, and I knew right then that I was going to write this review for them.

The First Ride in Hawaii

After getting the bike out of its crate and firing it up, I took my first ride in Hawaii back to my apartment. I cruised along the coast, the warm Hawaiian breeze in my face, and I couldn’t help but think about how much my dad would have loved this. Having his Harley with me in Hawaii felt like bringing a piece of home along for this new adventure. It was exactly what I needed after the whirlwind of the move.

Why I’d Recommend Motorcycle Shippers

If you’re thinking about shipping your motorcycle to Hawaii, I can’t recommend Motorcycle Shippers enough. They made getting my bike here incredibly easy. From speaking with Danny, who was always available to answer questions, to the professional crating and shipping process, they handled everything with care and expertise. For me, this wasn’t just about transporting a motorcycle—it was about bringing a family heirloom across the ocean, and I couldn’t have done it without them.

For anyone in a similar situation, my advice is simple: trust the experts at Motorcycle Shippers. Whether it’s a sentimental bike or not, they’ll treat it like it’s their own.


It Takes Just Seconds to Get a Quote

If you’re ready to take your motorcycle distribution to the next level, get a quote today and see how Motorcycle Shippers can help you optimize your operations. With their expertise and experience, you can be confident that your bikes will reach their destinations quickly, safely, and efficiently, allowing you to focus on what you do best—growing your business.

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