Ship-in Motorcycle Vacations

Ship-In Motorcycle Vacations Are On The Rise
“I would rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than in any city on earth”
More and more people are taking up that mindset and heading for the great outdoors with their motorcycles. There has been a recent rise in adventure bike sales (Fleming, C. (2016, Sept 9) “Motorcycle Companies Cash in…”) and according to the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) there are more female riders than ever before(2015, Dec 17 “More Female Riders Than Ever…”). In addition the growing popularity of guided motorcycle rides is contributing to the rapid growth of Ship-In Motorcycle Vacations(SMV’s). This idea of taking your motorcycle on vacation is not a new one, there is an entire industry built around sport touring. However, in this new age of motorcycle vacations people are opting out of hauling their bikes and instead flying and shipping their motorcycles in.
What’s so great about SMV’s
For some insight into this shift we look to Mary, a recent customer from Simi Valley, CA.
“My husband and I have been dreaming about a motorcycle vacation to Colorado for some time. We didn’t do it in years past because the 2000 mile round trip was going to take up all of our vacation time and wouldn’t leave us with time to ride. This year we found Motorcycle Shippers and decided to ship our bikes and fly to Colorado. It worked out great, the bikes were waiting for us when we arrived and we had a blast.”
How to get away
Americans waste a record-setting 658 million vacation days (DeBaun, C (2016, Jun 14) “Americans Waist Record Setting…”). Don’t get caught in that trap! Recent research suggests that vacations do help with your health and wellness making SMV’s especially relevant. Start planning your SMV by getting a Free Quote today.