It All Started With a Crash – How Motorcycle Shippers Began

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Clint Lawrence, founder of Motorcycle Shippers. Helping give riders more freedom to enjoy the bikes they love. [email protected]
Why I’m Sharing My Entrepreneur Story
For years, I’ve been asked a question that business owners hear a lot: What made you start your company? I’ve told the simplified story at local Entrepreneurs’ Organization events here in Orange County and have shared it with customers from time to time. But I have never publicized what really started it all. I guess I didn’t value my journey at a young age as much as I do now. Recently, I was compelled to share the story more widely in a series of articles published on Medium.
Whether you’re interested in how a farm kid from Idaho started a motorcycle business in Southern California or are a rider who can relate to a dramatic crash story, I hope you’ll walk away from these articles with the feeling that you know me, and our philosophy here at Motorcycle Shippers, just a little bit better.
The first article in that series, which I aptly named “It All Started With a Crash,” tells the story of the motorcycle accident that indirectly led me to start Motorcycle Shippers more than 25 years ago. (That article was published today on Medium; you can read it here.) In Parts 2 and 3 , I dive deeper into how I started Motorcycle Shippers and my approach to running the business amid the changes in the motorcycle industry.
And if you happen to be an entrepreneur yourself, I hope it compels you to share the ups and downs of growing your company. Running a business isn’t easy. But just like riders, entrepreneurs always manage to get through the bumps in the road—even if they’re as serious as the crash I had 25 years ago.